Friday, October 2, 2009

It's the Small Things

(First off, thanks for continuing (or starting) to follow my new blog. I am looking forward to having a place to spew my thoughts.)

Maddy feel asleep on her own today!

I know, it shouldn't be a big deal, but it is. She has usually only been able to fall asleep in someone's arms after nursing, or in her swaddle. This morning after nursing, a diaper change, some time under her mobile in her crib, I put her in her bouncy seat to entertain her while I ate breakfast. She was doing fine looking at her toys and then soon she started to fuss, yawn and flail her appendages. I was just about to pick her up when I realized she was closing her eyes and then lo and behold she was asleep, on her own, after awake time! She usually has such a difficult time tuning out the world and getting to sleep on her own. I think this is why her colic is so much worse at night.

My DH is wonderful. He stays up with her until about one am while I get my nap starting around nine pm. He gives her a bottle of pumped breast milk so I can sleep. I think she is at her worst for him. I feel so sorry for him when he gets up for work the next morning. He's always been a night owl and stays up that long even before she came, but dealing with a screaming baby the whole time is different. He has really stepped up as a dad and a husband and I am so lucky he is by my side with this whole thing. I know some moms aren't as lucky and are left to deal with their babies all by themselves. We have always been great partners and have been through so much together. If we got through infertility together, we can definitely get through colic. We have some perspective.

Ooops, she's stirring. . . I better go!


  1. That's so nice of your husband. Bailey didn't have colic but my mom said that I did and it was HOOOOOORIBLE! So, I'm sorry Maddy feels bad! Zach used to stay up with Bailey from 7-10 while I slept too. It was really nice.

  2. So sorry about the colic.

    But so thankful for the hubbs, right?

    My hubbs has been forced to endure a grueling routine, as well (we have twins). We are lucky ladies to have dependable men.

    And congrats on the easy nap today!

  3. How wonderful! My husband and I had the same schedule with our little A- he would stay up with her for the later night and bring her to me to be nursed.

    It is SUCH a big deal for her to fall asleep by herself! I wish I'd encouraged that earlier...

    Very happy to hear you are well. I was ridiculously excited to see your name on a comment on my blog, knowing full well how hard it is to type with one hand. :)

    The Other Wemberly

  4. I will make you a header if you want... Send me a couple pics of Maddy (or whatever pics you want) and I'll work on it during my break at school. :)

  5. Oh, my e-mail is :)

  6. AWw! Precious baby girl! Your husband sounds wonderful.Mine was the same way and still is.We are blessed!

  7. I think if you can get through infertility treatments with someone, you're pretty much got a keeper! :)

    Sorry about the colic.
