Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Three Months

Last Friday Maddy turned three months old.

What is she up to now? Here are some of her newest developments:

1) The acid reflux made a comeback last week. I suspected we needed to up her dose of Zantac because it just wasn't working as well as it had before. The pedi on call (mine was out of town) upped it by .1ml. It got a little better after a week, but not as good as it was before. As soon as her doc got back he upped it another .1ml. We'll see if that does the trick. We had a couple really rough days where she was screaming after feeds again. Just as the colic was dwindling, this became an issue again. If it's not one thing it's another!

2) She actually played with a toy this week. She grabbed for it when I held it in her view and then she brought it to her mouth. Who knew this could be so exciting! She has also grabbed her toys in the play gym. She grabs for our faces and just wants to touch everything. She's interacting with her world so much more.

3) She still experiences meltdowns. They occur most when she is overtired and fights sleep, even when she is in our arms rocking or bouncing. Other times we can count on a screaming fit: after a bath, being put in her car seat or swing, or too much tummy time. Otherwise, if she is fed and not tired, she's pretty enjoyable to be around and we get lots of smiling and cooing.

4) Back arching is her newest trick. She does it now when she is being put down when she wants to be held, or if you are holding her the "wrong way" or if she is fighting sleep. It is a true showing of her strong personality.

The best part of it all is when she sees me across the room and smiles or thinks everything i do is funniest thing ever. She is becoming my biggest fan. It is so nice to finally get recognition and appreciation for all the work being a mom is. I know these moments will only grow and I can't wait. She is a treasure. More work than I ever imagined, but such a treasure.

Happy three month b-day Maddy!


  1. Jenn at Maybe if you just Relax http://www.jennepper.com/ dealt with that whole acid reflux baby thing. I knew it was a grown up issue (raises hand), but who knew that was such an issue with babies! My heart definitely goes out to her.

    What fun it must be to see her personality blossom! I can't imagine someone not appreciating tummy time though. ;)

    Good to hear how things are going with you.

  2. aww, I'm sorry she is still dealing with the reflux. NO, bed routine doesn't seem to get easier but we are moving to our new house next week and the plan/goal is to do her room first and make it a BIG deal. I plan to put the twin bed in there with her toddler bed and stay with her but NOT let her sleep with me until she gets used to sleeping in her own room. I NEED my husband to myself (at least at night). Babies are a treasure and I'm sure God gave her to me for a reason, but I do feel helpless at time. I hear it is terrible two's which is something I hadn't planned for.
