Is anyone there?. . .
Probably not.
But I am!
Even though it has been over a year since my last post, I am still here reading all the blogs on my roll. But in a silent, stalker-type way. A here and there, never commenting kind of way. Here comes the whiny excuses- It's too hard to comment from my iphone! Nobody cares about my boring day to day existence! I'm too lazy to figure out the new blogger format! I have no time with a two-almost-three year old! Yadda, yadda, yadda. . . Enough excuses. Here I go. . .
Let's start with Maddy. Love her more every day and I'm not just saying that. I knew I was never a fan of the baby stage and boy was that ever the case with my colicky one. Babies were always a means to an end, something I had to get through until it got good. I'm not saying I didn't have my moments with her, but it was not an easy road. Now, toddler hood? Amazing! Are there tantrums? Yes! Is she stubborn? Yes! Is she a master manipulator? Yes! Does she put her arm around me and call me her best friend, tell me everyday how much she loves me, engage in the most delightful conversations, and make me laugh multiple times every single day? Yes, yes, yes, and yes! (Was that enough yeses?)
Also, it helps that I am a teacher of young children. She is only two years and two months away from being a five year old (Holy hell! Did I just write that?) and I am experts on them, and six and seven year olds too. Bring it on!
Having the summers off means lots of time home with Maddy. Lots and lots of time! Like what are we going to do all the days of the week time. Yet this feels like my fastest summer yet. Probably because I started it off with potty training. Did it cold turkey style. We are going on three weeks days and nights diaper free. So scary, but so glad to be tackling it and eager to get it behind me. She's doing terrific! Way, way better than I ever imagined. Nights are still a little rough, but I guess that's to be expected. I still get paranoid leaving the house but I bring enough changes of clothes to stay a week for a trip to the grocery store. She has to be pretty desperate to use a public restroom (hey-me too!) but she will do it eventually so that is good.
She still loves the water and going out on her "Papa's" boat. She wanted to wake board just like her mom and dad and couldn't understand why she couldn't. DH went out there with her and we slowly idled and pulled her sitting on top of the wake board. This was clearly not enough for her and she knew we were half-assing it. Sometimes my cautious little one can be such a daredevil. She still won't go one step without holding on, but she wants to ski and wake board like everyone else. Who knew? She keeps me on my toes.
Oh and one other hurdle on her way to a big girl I'm dreading. The pacifier!!! She still uses it for nights and naps. I am really not looking forward to taking those away in the near future. I don't think she'll sleep again. Paci fairy? Does that even work?
We are here. Most days you can find me playing doctor, restaurant, Calli.ou (yes, she plays Calli.ou- like the show- it's horrible), and dress up. This is my life now. I love it!
Pictures anyone?