Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10 Months

Ever since nine months I have really noticed a movement from baby to toddler. Nine to twelve months is such a transition time. Pretty amazing.


Sleeping- You all know how that's going. . .

Eating- Loves finger foods (carrots, peas, green beans, toast w/cream cheese and butter, pasta, peaches, pears, cheerios, yogurt melts, puffs) Not so hip on pureed foods anymore but will eat them. I have to go shopping with her meals in mind. It's such a change. I offer her 4 six ounce bottles a day (one of these is usually breast milk, the rest formula). She usually ends up drinking anywhere between 18-22 oz a day. She eats three solid meals a day. All this and she's still tiny. That's just how she rolls.

Playing- She enjoys flipping through board books, especially the touch and feel kind. I know she needs more interactive toys now rather than those you chew on, but I have yet to fork out the money to go on a buying spree. Her first birthday is just around the corner and I'm hoping she gets some at her party.

Mobility- Yes! She officially crawls on all fours now. She pulls up on everything and cruises about. She's afraid to walk around any corners yet. So if she's pulled up on the changing table she has to sit down and crawl to get around to the other side. She also won't take any unassisted steps no matter how short the distance. She likes to be sure before she tries something.

She still has only two bottom teeth and she is not a big talker. We only hear mama and baba (not sure if this is her name for DH?) and that usually is only when she's tired. She's still working on waving and she'll only point if the object is very close to her. She does not clap. There are many things I'm looking forward to. This baby has her own agenda for sure.

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